La Forza del Silenzio in Emergency.

Friday 18 October at 6.00 pm Salvatore Esposito will be in Venice in the EMERGENCY Space for the presentation of my latest book La Forza del Silenzio, on the same occasion the homonymous Documentary produced by Sguardo will be screened. Following the opening of the exhibition supported by Agrorinasce.   Thanks to the Venice Emergency [...]

By | 2022-04-03T15:32:52+00:00 October 15th, 2019|Exhibition, The Power of Silence|0 Comments

La Forza del Silenzio Exhibition.

Friday 29 March 9.30 at the Youth Culture and Art Aggregation Center in Casapesenna there will be the presentation of the Exhibition in conjunction with the first presentation of the book La Forza Del Silenzio. Will be present Giovanni Allucci Managing Director of Agrorinasce, Vincenzo Abate President of La Forza del Silenzio Association, Salvatore Esposito [...]

By | 2019-03-28T17:40:19+00:00 March 28th, 2019|Exhibition, The Power of Silence|0 Comments

The Exhibition of Picture of Life at MAXXI Museum.

In 2014 Manfrotto gave life to Picture of Life in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice and the Jonathan Association, a project that aims to support people with serious social or family difficulties, offering them the opportunity to reintegrate into society and acquire new professional qualifications. The photographer Salvatore Esposito has been since the first [...]

By | 2018-01-27T16:40:36+00:00 December 11th, 2017|Exhibition|0 Comments